quarta-feira, 20 de novembro de 2019

Acta Cirurgica Brasileira

versão impressa ISSN 0102-8650versão On-line ISSN 1678-2674
Acta Cir. Bras. vol.34 no.8 São Paulo  2019
 Artigos Originais
 ·  Effect of miR-134 against myocardial hypoxia/reoxygenation injury by directly targeting NOS3 and regulating PI3K/Akt pathway
Xiao, Jian-MinWang, Ji-JiaSun, Li-Li

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 ·  Stereological analysis of elastic fibers of the corpus cavernosum of rats during the aging process
Hota, ThiagoLorenzini, FernandoMelchioretto, Eduardo FelippeZeni, MarceloVeronez, Djanira Aparecida da LuzFraga, Rogério de

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 ·  The effect of different flushing methods in a short peripheral catheter
Tong, CuilingPeng, XiaochunHu, HongWang, ZongwenZhou, Hong

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 ·  Effect of sevoflurane pretreatment in relieving liver ischemia/reperfusion-induced pulmonary and hepatic injury
Xu, GuipingWang, XiaoliXiong, YuxiangMa, XuepingQu, Li

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 ·  The effect of fibrin glue in preventing staple-line leak after sleeve gastrectomy. An experimental study in rats
Ozdenkaya, YasarOlmuscelik, OktayBasim, PelinSaka, BurcuArslan, Naciye Cigdem

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 ·  Effects of cyclosporine on ischemia-reperfusion injuries in rat kidneys. An experimental model
Oliveira, Antonio Carlos CerqueiraMódolo, Norma Sueli PinheiroDomingues, Maria Aparecida CustódioSchwingel, Paulo Adriano

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 ·  Mitigating effect of tanshinone IIA on ventricular remodeling in rats with pressure overload-induced heart failure
Li, XuXiang, DaokangShu, YizhuZeng, XiangjunLi, Yonghong

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